Elevate Toddlerhood.


“The child is delighted by washing his hands not so much for the pleasure of washing itself as for the work that is necessary for completing an action; already action is life, and this is the source of all his powers.” - Maria Montessori


Toddlers are learning, growing and exploring constantly. Our unique environment is designed for 16-months through 36-months. We maintain a four student to one teacher ratio to ensure consistency and guidance throughout the child’s day. The teachers observe the children and use these observations to modify the environment to meet each child’s developmental needs. As the toddlers grow in their abilities, they are naturally driven towards independence. So often we hear children proudly say, “I did it.”

There is an emphasis in your whole-child. We work to meet their cognitive, physical, social and emotional needs. We have comfortable, child-size furniture with access to the tools that they will need to complete tasks for themselves throughout the day, such as tidying their classroom, coordination of movement, setting the table and so much more. Your child is free to choose their own activities as they develop deep concentration, problem solving skills and grace & courtesy.

A toddler’s day is defined by their schedule - that we rest after we eat lunch or that they go home after resting. It is through a consistent set of routines that we create structure and security for your child. We follow a routine that is flexible enough to meet the needs of the children, but is structured enough for your child to feel confident in their day.